Introduction: Build a Modern Web Application in Python
Introduction: Build a Modern Web Application in Python
In this tutorial, you’ll build your first modern application on AWS. Modern applications isolate business logic, optimize reuse and iteration, and remove overhead everywhere possible. Modern apps are built using services that enable you to focus on writing code while automating infrastructure maintenance tasks.You will build a sample website called Mythical Mysfits that enables visitors to adopt a fantasy creature (mysfit) as pet. You can see a working sample of this website at:
This version of the tutorial matches the Python language version of the tutorial. If you would like to try the tutorial in another language, please visit the main branch and select your preferred programming language from there (scroll to the bottom of the page).
What You Will Learn
This tutorial will walk you through the steps to create a well-architected
sample web application discussed above. You will learn to host this web
application on a front-end web server and connect it to a backend
database. You’ll also learn to set up user authentication and will be
able to collect and analyze user behavior.
The site provides basic functionality such as ability to “like” your favorite mysfit and reserve your chosen mysfit for adoption. It also allows you to gather insights about user behavior for future analysis.
The site provides basic functionality such as ability to “like” your favorite mysfit and reserve your chosen mysfit for adoption. It also allows you to gather insights about user behavior for future analysis.
Application Architecture
The application architecture diagrams provide a structural representation of the services that make up Mythical Mysfits and how these services interact with each other. Don’t worry if you aren’t completely familiar with the services and features mentioned below. As we work through the tutorial, we’ll discuss the services in detail and point to resources that will help you get up to speed with them.Modules
The application architecture diagrams provide a structural
representation of the services that make up Mythical Mysfits and how
these services interact with each other. Don’t worry if you aren’t
completely familiar with the services and features mentioned below. As
we work through the tutorial, we’ll discuss the services in detail and
point to resources that will help you get up to speed with them.
You will implement Mythical Mysfits using these modules:
You will implement Mythical Mysfits using these modules:
- Create Static Website Build
a static website, using Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) that serves
static content (images, static text, etc.) for your website.
- Build Dynamic Website Host your application logic on a web server, using an API backend microservice deployed as a container through AWS Fargate.
- Store Mysfit Data Externalize all of the mysfit data and persist it with a managed NoSQL database provided by Amazon DynamoDB.
- Add User Registration Enable
users to registration, authentication, and authorization so that
Mythical Mysfits visitors can like and adopt myfits, enabled through AWS
API Gateway and its integration with Amazon Cognito.
- Capture User Clicks Capture user behavior with a clickstream analysis microservice that will record and analyze clicks on the website using AWS Lambda and Amazon Kinesis Firehose.
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