MegaPack de Videos Tutoriales de Sap2000
Videos Tutoriales de Sap2000 (Megapack)
El SAP2000 es un programa de elementos finitos, con interfaz gráfico 3D orientado a objetos, preparado para realizar, de forma totalmente integrada, la modelación, análisis y dimensionamiento de lo más amplio conjunto de problemas de ingeniería de estructuras.
Conocido por la flexibilidad en al tipo de estructuras que permite analizar, por su poder de cálculo y por la fiabilidad de los resultados, SAP2000 es la herramienta de trabajo diaria para varios ingenieros. La versatilidad en modelar estructuras, permite su utilización en el dimensionamiento de puentes, edificios, estadios, presas, estructuras industriales, estructuras marítimas y todo tipo de infraestructura que necesite ser analizada y dimensionada.
Con respecto a las acciones, es posible generar automáticamente cargas de sismo, viento y vehículos, y posteriormente, hacer el dimensionamiento y comprobación automática de estructuras de hormigón armado, perfiles metálicos, de aluminio y conformados en frío, a través de las normativas Europeas, Americanas, Canadienses, Turcas, Indias, Chinas, y otras.
MegaPack de Videos, Manuales y archivos Modelos
En este megapack consta de 5 partes y la parte de Manuales lo que incluye muchos videos tutoriales tanto en español como en ingles pero son entendibles lo cual tiene un peso aproximado de 39 Gb.
- - Analysis and Design of 11 Storey Building using SAP2000, ETABS, CsiCol, Excel
- - Analysis and Design of a Building in SAP2000 (Spanish)
- - Analysis of Frame Structure using SAP2000
- - Beams Modeling
- - Bridge Design Course with SAP2000
- - Building Foundation Modelling using SAP2000
- - Cable Stayed Bridge with SAP2000
- - Circular Tank Modelling in SAP2000
- - Design and Analysis of Elastic Foundation in SAP2000
- - Design and Analysis of Slabs
- - Design and Analysis of Water Tank with SAP2000
- - Design of Elevated Water Tank in SAP2000
- - Design of Portico with SAP2000
- - Dynamic Analysis of Structures using SAP2000 (Análisis dinámico de la estructura)
- - Geometric Nonlinearity with Large Displacement
- - Getting Started with SAP2000 (Spanish)
- - Grillage Analysis
- - Ground Tank
- - Import CAD Files to SAP2000
- - Joint Constraints
- - Lattice Structure in SAP2000
- - SAP2000 v16 Training
- - Learn SAP2000
- - Learn SAP2000 in Arabic
- - Modeling Ofshore Structure in SAP2000
- - Open SAP2000 File using Any SAP2000 Version
- - Precast Girder Bridge
- - Pushover Analysis with SAP2000
- - SAP2000 and ETABS Dictate Courses with Innovative Video Tutorials
- - SAP2000 Concrete Building Design
- - SAP2000 Curso
- - SAP2000 Lectures in Arabic
- - Sap2000 Modeling Analysis and Design of Slabs
- - SAP2000 Structural Engineering by Dr. Genner Villarreal Castro
- - SAP2000 Training
- - SAP2000 Training Series ( SAP2000 video Hung din)
- - SAP2000 Tutorial in Turkish
- - SAP2000 v16 Course
- - Shell Element in SAP2000
- - Shock Isolators in SAP2000
- - Tension Only Bracing in SAP2000
- - Variable Slab Thickness
- - Watch and Lean Series for SAP2000
- - 2D Elements in SAP2000
- - 2D Frame Analysis in SAP2000
- - 2D Frames in SAP2000
- - 3D Frame Analysis under ULD and Point Load
- - 3D Frame Analysis with Slabs under UDL and Point Load
- - 3D Frames in SAP2000
- - 3D Modeling in SAP2000
- - 3d Modeling SAP2000
- - 3d Modeling SAP2000
- - Analysis and Design of 5 Storey Building in SAP2000 (Spanish)
- - Analysis and Design of Cantilever Wall in SAP2000
- - Analysis and Design of Water Tank Using SAP2000
- - Analysis MAT Foundation in SAP2000
- - Analysis of Beam Bridge using SAP2000
- - Analysis of Cable Stayed Bridge in SAP2000
- - Analysis of Dome Structure in SAP2000
- - Analysis of Flat Slab with SAP2000
- - Analysis of Gravity Wall - Earth Retaining Structures in SAP2000
- - Analysis of Retaining Wall using SAP2000
- - Analysis of Simple Beam with Dead and Live Loads in SAP2000
- - Analysis of Stadium using SAP2000
- - Analysis of Staircase using SAP2000
- - Analysis Piles in SAP2000
- - Armed Concrete Design with SAP2000 (Spanish)
- - Building Structure in SAP2000 (Spanish)
- - Cable Stayed Bridge Design in SAP2000
- - Combined Footing Design by SAP2000
- - Combined Footing
- - Complete Design of Steel Building in SAP2000
- - Comprehensive Lesson on the Basics of SAP2000 for Beginners
- - Design of Composite Slab using SAP2000 (Diseño de Composite losa utilizando SAP2000)
- - Design of Concrete Tank with SAP2000
- - Design of Elevated Tank (High Tank)
- - Design of Elevated Water Tank using SAP2000
- - Design of MAT Foundation with SAP2000
- - Design of Piles using SAP2000
- - Design of Retaining Wall in SAP2000
- - Design of Retaining Wall with SAP2000
- - Design of Steel Truss Bridge in SAP2000
- - Design Pile Foundation by SAP2000
- - Design Single Footing using SAP2000
- - Design Staircase in Sap2000
- - Design Strap Footing by SAP2000
- - Export SAP2000 Model to Perform3D
- - How to Activate SAP2000 V16 and V17
- - How to Analyze a Simple Beam with Dead and Live loads in SAP2000
- - How To Check Steel Design and Export to AutoCAD in SAP2000
- - How To Design Cables in SAP2000
- - How to Import AutoCAD DXF to SAP2000 Structural Analysis
- - How to Model a Hyperbolic Cooling Tower in SAP2000
- - Import from AutoCAD to SAP2000
- - Inconsistent Finite Element Mesh
- - Learn SAP2000 Radial Modeling
- - Model, Analysis and Design of Reinforced Concrete Building in SAP2000
- - Modeling of Building in SAP2000
- - Nonlinear Multilayer Shell in SAP2000
- - Offshore Analysis in SAP2000
- - Offshore Design and Analysis with SAP2000
- - Pile Foundation Analysis in SAP2000
- - Post Tension Girders in SAP2000
- - Prestressed Concrete Beam Design in SAP2000
- - Project-Analysis and design of Foundation-(Elzohairy Academy)
- - Pórtico Design in SAP2000
- - Raft and Soil-Structure Interaction
- - Rectangular Water Tank Analysis in SAP2000
- - Retaining Wall Ananysis and Design in SAP2000 by Dr.Monther
- - Retaining Wall Modelling in SAP2000
- - Ribbed Slab Design in SAP2000
- - SAP 2000 Continuous Concrete Beam Analysis and Design to ACI 318
- - SAP2000 2D Truss
- - SAP2000 3D Truss
- - SAP2000 Building Modelling Example
- - SAP2000 Dome Structure
- - SAP2000 Exercise (Vietnamese)
- - SAP2000 Introductory Tutorial
- - SAP2000 Pushover (Spanish)
- - SAP2000 Pushover Tutorial
- - SAP2000 Section Designer (SAP2000 Secuiunea Designer)
- - SAP2000 Seismic Analysis
- - SAP2000 Tips & Tricks - Work Surface
- - SAP2000 Truss Lecture
- - SAP2000 Tutorial for Beginners (Vietnamse)
- - SAP2000 Verification Example 1
- - SAP2000 Verification Example 2
- - Section Designer
- - Shells in SAP2000
- - Simple Beam Analysis in SAP2000
- - Single Footing
- - Steel Fram Analysis And Design
- - Steel Frame Calculation in SAP2000
- - Strap Footing
- - Taylor Damper in SAP2000.exe
- - Tekla Structure to SAP2000
- - Telecommunications Tower Moding 1
- - Telecommunications Tower Moding 2
- - Temperature load in SAP2000
- - Tutorial 10 Edificio 4 plantas SAP 2000 v15
- - Wall Footing
- - Warren Truss Design in SAP2000
- - Wind Load
Manuales de SAP2000
- - Analysis and Design of a Water Tank in SAP2000
- - Analysis Comparison of Frame Structure STAAD.Pro V8i vs SAP2000
- - Analysis of Tank using SAP2000
- - Bridge Design Course
- - Building Design Calculation Report with SAP2000
- - Confined Masonry House Design using SAP2000
- - Masonry Design SAP2000
- - Course SAP2000
- - Curso Sap2000
- - Design of Cable Stayed Bridge using SAP2000
- - Detail Sap Design With Manual Calculation
- - Model, Analysis and Design of Tall Building with SAP2000
- - Modeling in SAP2000
- - Nonlinear Static Analysis (Pushover)
- - SAP2000 in Vietnamese
- - SAP2000 Academic Training
- - SAP2000 Application Manual (Manual de Aplicación del Programa SAP2000 v14)
- - SAP2000 Bridge Model
- - SAP2000 Manual
- - SAP2000 Manual in Spanish (Manual de SAP20002000 en Español)
- - SAP2000 Manuals in Chinese
- - SAP2000 Plugin DARC Manual
- - SAP2000 Software Manual
- - SAP2000 Training Manual
- - Static Earthquake Evaluation of Building using SAP2000
- - Static Seismic Evaluation of A Building using SAP2000
- - Steel Roof Structure in SAP2000
- - Structural Analysis using SAP2000
- - Structural Design in SAP2000
- - Structural Modelling SAP2000
- - Structural Steel Design using SAP2000
- - Telecommunication Tower Modelling in SAP2000
- - Understanding SAP2000
- - 3D Static and Dynamic Analysis of Structure
- - Advance SAP2000 - New Modelling Techniques
- - Analysis and Design of 3 Storey Building
- - Analysis and Design of Continuous RC Beam
- - Analysis and Design of Frame Structures using SAP2000
- - Analysis and design of reinforced concrete reservoir
- - Analysis and Design of Structures
- - Analysis and Sructural Design with SAP2000 (Phân tích và Thi?t k? Sructural v?i SAP2000)
- - Basic Operations in SAP2000- An Excersice Guide
- - Brochure
- - Calculating the Base Shear of a Building
- - Calculation and Design of Concrete Reservoirs with Sap2000
- - Construction Design with SAP2000 (Desain Konstruksi Dengan SAP 2000)
- - CSI Analysis Reference Manual
- - CSI Automated Lateral Loads Manual
- - DABT2 tinh noi luc Sap2000 v7.42
- - Design and Analysis of Arches
- - Design and Analysis of Bridge
- - Design and Analysis of Bridge
- - Design and Analysis of Concrete Shell
- - Design and Analysis of Pile in Elastic Medium.rtf
- - Design and Analysis of Piperack
- - Design and Analysis of Prestressed Concrete Beam
- - Design and Analysis of Sprial Stair Case
- - Design Difference between SAP2000 and SAFE
- - Design of Leaf Canopy using SAP2000
- - Earthquake Analysis with SAP2000
- - Factory Pipe Rack Foundation Hand Calculation-SAP2000 GREAT GREAT GREAT
- - Learn SAP2000 for Steel Structure
- - Modeling FRP Cnfined RC Columns using SAP2000
- - Modeling of a Welded Connection with SAP2000
- - Offshore Modeling in SAP2000
- - Optimized Modeling and Design of Structures using SAP2000
- - Ponencia-Conic-2009-Darc
- - Push Over Analysis
- -
- - SAP2000 - Structures Analysis Program
- - SAP2000 A to Z Problems
- - SAP2000 A-Z Problems
- - SAP2000 Arabic Book
- - SAP2000 Basic Analysis Reference Manual
- - SAP2000 Beam example
- - SAP2000 Bookk
- - SAP2000 Bridge Manual
- - SAP2000 Concrete Design Manual
- - SAP2000 Database and Documentation
- - SAP2000 Detailed Tutorial Including Pushover Analysis
- - SAP2000 for Beginners (SAP2000 untuk Pemula)
- - SAP2000 for Beginners
- - SAP2000 for Biginners
- - SAP2000 Getting Started
- - SAP2000 Introduction
- - SAP2000 Introductory Tutorials
- - SAP2000 Manual in Spanish
- - SAP2000 Portuguese Guide
- - SAP2000 Programme Implementation Manual
- - SAP2000 Simplified Bridge Design Manual
- - SAP2000 Software Verification
- - SAP2000 Spanish Manual
- - SAP2000 Steel Design Manual
- - SAP2000 Tutorial Example Analysis and Design of Continuous RC Beam
- - Sap2000 Tutorial
- - Structural Analysis with SAP2000
- - Time-History Seismic Analysis with SAP2000
- - Tips for Developing Models in SAP2000 & ETABS
- - Visual Introduction to SAP2000
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